G.A. Heaton company | Fashion Jewelry
Please input the information you received in your e-mail from register@heatonjewelry.com to Login.

If you are having issues with your login information, please e-mail us at support@heatonjewelry.com and we will respond to you within 24 hours.
Please enjoy shopping with us at G.A. Heaton Company.

Both the Username & the Password are case sensitive. Only check the “stay signed in” check box if you are using a computer you trust. This can give access to any user of the PC if you are not careful.
6595 Highway 49 North Mariposa, California 95338
Phone: (800) 523-5741 / Fax: (209) 377-8417
E-mail: info@heatonjewelry.com